Baltic Amber teething necklace can deal with pain?

The popularity of rock accessories that reportedly can overcome the disease turned out to still have various opposing opinions. One type of stone that is currently trending is yellow. In addition to yellow beauty, amber is believed to provide health benefits. Especially for babies.
Baltic Amber teething necklace is believed to be able to relieve pain when the baby is in a period of dental growth. Teeth growth can indeed provide discomfort to the baby, such as swelling in the gums, fever, excessive saliva production, to difficulty sleeping. Every parent does not want to see the baby continue to feel sick. Amber is finally used as a natural solution that is easy to do, which is only by attaching to the baby’s neck in the form of a necklace.
However, is there a scientific explanation behind this benefit? Although this is believed by parents, medical experts give opposing opinions about the stone. Amber necklace manufacturers still believe the benefits behind rocks which are generally brownish yellow. Plus, many parents feel the benefits.
“There is a science behind these elements. A study has proven that it can help a person sleep better.

But it is not yet known how it can be transferred to the body,” said Andrew Murray, owner of Bambeado, a company that produces special toys.

for teething babies, including amber necklaces.
The owner of the Baa Baa Beads, Sharon McKeown, added that he only wanted to give other options to try without using gel or synthetic drugs.

He himself still gave a warning not to wear the necklace for sleeping babies or without supervisors.
“Amber Baltic is reported to have mystical or magical powers when used. Although there is no scientific evidence that can support that statement, many people have responded positively,” Sharon said as quoted from Stuff New Zealand.
Both companies use the Amber Amber Baltic type. The succinic acid content you have can relieve aches or pains and reduce swelling in the gums. Reported by the Bambeado website, the Baltic amber specialty that distinguishes it from other types of amber is the succinic acid content of 3 – 8 percent. Baltic Amber releases succinic acid when heated to body temperature and then absorbed by the body through the bloodstream.
What is the opinion of medical experts? Pediatric dentist, Dr. Nina Vasan, did not agree with the claim stated by the amber necklace manufacturer. He questioned how succinic acid absorbed by the body provides a reasonable level of effectiveness.
“Some amber does have succinic acid (which also exists in the body naturally), but it needs a temperature of around 187 degrees to be effective,” concluded Dr. Nina.
Statement from Dr. Nina is also supported by the fact that the baby’s body temperature is generally not more than 37 degrees. In addition to inadequate scientific evidence, the risk of using a necklace on a baby can also be found.
Reported by the Daily Telegraph, the baby almost suffocated from falling asleep using the necklace. Ashleigh Ferguson, the mother of the baby admitted that many parents wear the necklace for a full day, both during activities and sleep. In addition to the risk of choking, there is still a risk of being swallowed if the necklace breaks and spreads.
“I will consider the risks and benefits of the necklace. There is no reliable scientific evidence about its benefits, while there is evidence that the necklace is at risk of choking, even death,” said Dr. Nina.
If you are one of the parents who insist on pairing amber necklaces to babies, warnings on fixed products should not be ignored. As much as possible, watch your baby when using necklaces and avoid wearing them when they fall asleep.
Double-check the necklace products purchased whether original or imitation and whether each item has a sharp shape that can hurt the child’s skin.